Bible Verse of the Day

The ransom of a man’s life is his riches, But the poor does not hear rebuke.


The Legacy of Clearfield Broadcasters, Inc

Remembering and keeping the heritage of the Clearfield Broadcasters, Inc radio station WCPA and WQYX in our minds. This awesome radio station served Clearfield County and adjacent counties for several decades with news, announcers, DJ’s, weather, entertainment, music, and so much more.

Personal note: Jason Gross and Wyatt Bloom worked together and thoroughly enjoyed their experience working there. They both fondly reminisced about their experiences that they put together two Rediscover the ’80s: Memory Jogger episodes that can be viewed below. In addition, they both reminisced and provided a Memorial to Bob E Day upon the news of his passing on 10/18/2018 (coming soon). Enjoy the photos as please feel free to e-mail us at

Above is the simulcast ID for both WCPA and WQYX.

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